Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a Unique ID and how will I receive their Unique ID and how should I use it during submission?

After registration, each participant will receive a unique alphanumeric ID (e.g., ROOH_24_1) sent to their registered email. This Unique ID ensures confidentiality during the submission process, as participants’ names will not be used. The Unique ID must be included in the filename of all submissions, as well as within the report and presentation deliverables. For group submissions, include the group name alongside the Unique ID. For more details refer Submission Guidelines. This identifier is crucial for tracking and reviewing submissions.

2. If the participant has not received my Unique ID for the challenge. What should they do?

Please contact the organizer at info.roohchallenge@gmail.com with subject “Confirmation Email not Received”.

3. Who is eligible to participate in the ROOH Challenge?

The challenge is open to undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students from various academic backgrounds, including design, architecture, planning, engineering, social sciences, and humanities.

4. Can practicing professionals participate in the ROOH Challenge?

No, the challenge is exclusively for students currently enrolled in undergraduate, postgraduate, or PhD programs.

5. How to participate in the ROOH Challenge?

Participants can join either as an individual or in groups of up to 10 members by selecting a Group Captain amongst themselves. Group Captain will be the point of contact from the group.

6. Is there an entry fee for the ROOH Challenge?

No, there is no entry fee for participating in the challenge.

7. How do I register for the ROOH Challenge?

You can register via the registration link available on the website.

8. What are the last dates for registration and submission?

Registration Deadline: July 23rd, 2024
Final Submission Deadline: August 25th, 2024

9. Can international students participate in the challenge?

Yes, the challenge is open to participants from all around the world, with no restrictions on the country of origin.

10. Can participants collaborate with students from other universities or disciplines?

Yes, inter-university and interdisciplinary collaboration is encouraged. Participants can form groups with members from different universities and academic backgrounds.


11. What are the Challenge Components?

ROOH Labs documented 17 informal settlements across nine Indian cities in five climate zones. Participants will design an upgrade for a dwelling in any one of five cities that will be shared by ROOH team tailored to specific family context and needs, using local or alternative materials for improved resilience and sustainability.

Participants can select any one Dwelling Unit from the following climate zones and locations:


  1. Hot Dry: Surat City, Gujarat
  2. Warm Humid: Bhubaneshwar City, Odisha
  3. Warm Humid: Paradeep City, Odisha
  4. Temperate: Bengaluru City, Karnataka
  5. Cold: Gangtok City, Sikkim

12. How will participants receive Challenge Components?

After registering for the challenge, participants will receive a Google Drive link sent to their registered email address. If you are part of a group, the link will be sent to the Group Captain’s email address. This link provides access to five city folders, each containing detailed information about dwelling units. Participants can review these folders and select one dwelling unit for the challenge. Each city folder includes:

  1. A PowerPoint presentation with background information and details about the informal settlement and dwelling units, Photos, Information on issues, challenges, coping mechanisms and details about materials currently used for construction by the resident of the dwelling unit.
  2. A SketchUp file with a 3D model.
  3. An AutoCAD file with plans and sections.
These resources will assist participants in proposing their solutions and shall be used for ROOH Challenge purposes only.

13. What should the proposed solution (submission) focus on?

The proposed solution should prioritize the use of materials that are well-suited for the selected climate zone and resilient against local hazards. The challenge submission should present customized solutions tailored to the unique challenges faced by households in their specific climate zone. The design should utilize locally available materials or suggest alternative, cost-effective options and should address the roof, walls, structure, and plinth/floor of the dwelling unit, considering the context of shared walls if applicable.


The solutions must address a range of challenges households face, including extreme heat, cyclonic winds, floods, fire hazards, electrocution risks, and other threats affecting vulnerable residents of informal settlements. The focus should be on sustainability, resilience, and affordability, ensuring the solutions can be executed by local artisans. For more details refer Design Guidelines.

14. What is the format of submission?

Participants are encouraged to propose solutions that include charts, sketches, concept diagrams, prototype models, photo montages, 3D axonometric/isometric views/renderings, plans, elevations, and sections. The drawings in the submission need not necessarily be on a scale as long as they have relevant dimensions mentioned. These elements should represent the proposed solutions comprehensively and effectively.


There is no set minimum font size; however, it is important to keep the font legible and readable.


  1. Research-Backed Report (A4 portrait – one single .pdf format): It includes researched findings with citations supporting proposed materials and techniques. Comprehensive Concept Note: A 1000-word concept note explaining the design solution’s thought process.
  2. Effective Presentation (16:9 aspect ratio landscape – one single .ppt/.pptx format: Slide deck of maximum 15 slides showcasing design process and solution effectiveness with visual aids.

15. How to submit final design proposal?

The proposal shall be submitted via the Submission link available on the website.

16. How will the entries be judged for this challenge?

The entries shall be judged anonymously by the challenge jury. The Unique ID number present on the Report and the Slide deck shall be the only means by which they shall be identified. Participant details and other information shall be confidential and not be shared with any of the jury members in any manner.


The Jury will judge the entries w.r.t the following aspects:

  1. Innovation and effectiveness of proposed solutions – How innovative and suitable are the proposed solutions for the identified challenges?
  2. Suitability of materials and techniques for the specific climate zone – Is there strong research backing for the proposed materials and techniques?
  3. Feasibility and scalability of the design for broader implementation – Can the solutions be implemented in the local context and its impact on residents’ thermal comfort?
  4. Impact on addressing challenges faced by households.
  5. How will the proposed solutions benefit the local community and artisans?
  6. Representation of proposed solutions presented with the use of visual aids (charts, sketches, concept diagrams, prototype models, photo montages, 3D axonometric/isometric views/renderings, plans, elevations, and sections) to support the design proposals.

17. Will the Participants receive the certificate for the challenge?

All the participants Individual/Group will receive participation certificate only if the proposed solutions are submitted within the deadline.


First three winning entries will receive the monetary prize as mentioned on the website.

18. Who owns the rights to work after submitted and what will happen to the entries after the Challenge ends?

SPARC owns the rights to the works after submitted and shall not pay any kind of royalties for its use. Authors shall be duly credited for the use.

 For any additional queries and questions email is your questions at: info.roohchallenge@gmail.com and our coordinating team will respond at the earliest.