Participant are required to submit the final deliverable via submission link that will be available on the website and semi-finalists will be asked to share their editable files by the organiser over the email, through the link provided by the organiser. The Language of Submission is English. No extensions for the submission deadline shall be granted under any circumstances.
File Size Limit: Total size of the file cannot exceed 100 MB.
Format of the file: .pdf format only.
Individual File Name: UID_Report.pdf
Group File Name: Groupname_UID_Report.pdf
Format of the file: .ppt /.pptx format only.
Individual File Name: UID_Presentation.pdf
Group File Name: Groupname_UID_Presentation.pdf
There is no set minimum font size; however, it is important to keep the font legible and readable.
- Research-Backed Report (A4 portrait – one single .pdf format): It includes researched findings with citations supporting proposed materials and techniques. Comprehensive Concept Note: A 1000-word concept note explaining the design solution’s thought process.
File Size Limit: Total size of the file cannot exceed 100 MB.
Format of the file: .pdf format only.
Individual File Name: UID_Report.pdf
Group File Name: Groupname_UID_Report.pdf
- Effective Presentation (16:9 aspect ratio landscape – one single .ppt/.pptx format: Slide deck of maximum 15 slides showcasing design process and solution effectiveness with visual aids.
Format of the file: .ppt /.pptx format only.
Individual File Name: UID_Presentation.pdf
Group File Name: Groupname_UID_Presentation.pdf
There is no set minimum font size; however, it is important to keep the font legible and readable.